REGULAR: Solar power carries monitoring if security is present
Driving across the country, I see more and more fields supporting solar panels for individual farms or power companies. One might think that solar panels are not a problem for the environment, but this is not the case because of the components used in the panels.
Back in the 1980’s, our company was selling and installing a solar system for homes. I came to a conclusion when the system was simpler and more efficient, more efficient and better able to get our customers back. The cost of building a warehouse or trying to heat water was very expensive and was not a good refund or payment for customers; it took too long.
Today, the energy used and the greenhouse gases produced by the photovoltaic panel can be repaired if the manufacturer invests in the millions of dollars for the machine to handle the waste. Some issues affect workers and the environment. Also, there are ways to eliminate negative side effects. However, production of panels has moved from the United States, Europe and Japan to countries such as China, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan. Unfortunately, they do not do a good job of protecting their employees or the environment.
Wikipedia describes the photovoltaic cell as “an electrical device that converts light energy directly into electricity with the effect of photovoltaic, which is a physical and chemical event.” They go on to say, “It is a type of electric cell that defines the components of its electricity, such as current, electrical energy, or resistance, when exposed to light.”
Today, most solar cells have their origin in quartz, a common form of silica (silicon dioxide) and are enhanced to basic silicon.
Another issue is that quartz is mined; miners are at high risk of developing a lung disease called silicosis. Technical information today comes from the IEEE Spectrum. In 2018, President Trump imposed a 30 percent fee on the installation of solar panels to promote production in the United States. Since then, solar manufacturers have been doing more than the United States; many American companies collect some or all of our country. Unfortunately, the production of solar panels in the United States is limited and has not grown much since 2020. They import important components from other countries, and the components fall under tariff regulations. Because of this epidemic, it is very difficult to get important parts from overseas, causing high costs and delays.
The solar panels are a reflection of green energy and are good for the environment and then burn fat, so they say. However, they are linked to a path of chemical pollution. Technology is very different.
There are two types of panels – monofacial and biofacial solar cells. The difference is the ability to illuminate both sides of the panel as opposed to the normal side. As a result, biofacial is able to generate more electricity.
This is not a new technology. The first patent for biofacial solar cells was introduced by a Japanese researcher, Hirochi Moeir, in 1966, according to Wikipedia. It has been predicted by the International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaics (ITRPV) that the global market share of biofacial technology will grow from less than five percent of the market in 2016 to 30 percent by 2027.
The good news is that when problems arise, scientists and entrepreneurs are finding new tools and techniques to make the product safer for workers and the environment while developing a better product.
According to Solar Power World, Moses Lake Violet Power, Washington, is developing solar panels that will use a large tablet connected to a solar cell that allows 85 percent of the solar cell to be removed. Currently, metal parts are made of expensive silverware. This method will reduce the cost of the solar cell by inserting aluminum foil.
Charese Yanney of Sioux City is co-owner and director of Guarantee Roofing, Siding and Insulation Co Serves on the Executive Committee of the Siouxland Initiative, Orpheum Theater Preservation Board, Orpheum Theater Endowment Board and Iowa Department of Transportation Commission.
Journalist Regarears Charese Yanney is pictured.